Professor Maria Tsouroufli
Honorary Professor
Gaskell 228
- Email: maria.tsouroufli@brunel.ac.uk
- Tel: +44 (0)1895 266637
I am Professor of Education at the College of Business, Arts and Social Sciences. Previously I worked as Reader in Women and Gender at the University of Wolverhampton. My research is concerned with social justice with a particular focus on gender inequalities in education and professions. I am a transnational feminist academic and my applied social research aims to advance theorizations of gender and gender equality in the Global South. My intersectional study of identities is underpinned by post-structuralist and decolonial approaches and is centred around 4 themes with violence as a cross-cutting theme: educational policy inlcuding medical educational policy, decolonization of international partnerships; emotionality of difference and disembodiment of EDI discourses in HE; internationalization and academic migration; and critiques of white mainstream feminism.
PhD in Gender and Education, University of Southampton, UK
Post-graduate Certificate in Post-Compulsory Education, University of Warwick, UK
BA in Education, with Qualified Teacher Status, School of Educational Studies, University of Crete, Greece
Director of Research, Education Unit of Assessment Impact Case Lead and REF 2029 Lead, ESRC GUDTR Education path lead (2019-2023), EdD teaching, assessment and tutoring, MA and BA dissertation supervision, marking and moderation, Doctoral research supervision, Research mentoring and support, Founder and Lead of the Interculturality for Diversity and Global Learning research group
Newest selected publications
Crimmins, G., Casey, S. and Tsouroufli, M. (2023) 'Intersectional barriers to women’s advancement in higher education institutions rewarded for their gender equity plans'. Gender and Education, 35 (6-7). pp. 653 - 670. ISSN: 0954-0253 Open Access Link
Tsouroufli, M. (2023) '‘Migrant academic/Sister Outsider: Feminist solidarity unsettled and intersectional politics interrogated’'. Journal of International Women's Studies, 25 (1). pp. 1 - 14. ISSN: 1539-8706 Open Access Link
Tsouroufli, M., Redai, D. and Guerrini, V. (2020) 'Tsouroufli, M. Rédai, D. Guerrini, V. ‘Gender Equality and Stereotyping in Secondary Schools: Case Studies from England, Hungary and Italy’ Co-authored book, Palgrave Gender and Education series, contract agreed, publication date September 2020'. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan. ISSN 13: 978-3-030-64125-2
Tsouroufli, M. (2020) '‘Intersections of ethnicity, culture, religion, sexuality with gender and school related gender based violence (SRGBV) in England’'. Interdisciplinary perspectives to Equality and Diversity’ (IPED Journal, 6 (1). pp. 1 - 28.Open Access Link
Tsouroufli, M., Siller, H., Morgan, A., Redai, D. and Guerrini, V. (2019) 'Editorial: Special Issue of International Perspectives on Equality and Diversity:Intersectional aspects of schools related Gender-based violence in Europe'. Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Equality and Diversity (IDEP Journal), 6 (1). pp. 1 - 6.Open Access Link