School experience and mentor development
Partnership Handbook 24-25
The above link will take you to the Primary School Experience Handbook. Please find below, links to word versions of other required documents which are not on Pebblepad.
Partnership Handbook 24-25
Click above to access the School Experience Handbook which contains information about:
Roles and responsibilities; School Experience Information; Professional Learning and Assessment; Support and Intervention.
Key documents for secondary
Below you will find the associated key documents for school experience:
The National Mentor Standards for School-based Mentors
The National Mentor Standards for school-based ITE mentors were introduced in July 2016 as a result of the Carter Review. Providers of ITE in the West London area have collaborated to produce a framework of materials to further enhance the development of high quality mentors. These standards are: Personal Qualities; Teaching; Professionalism; Self-development and working in partnership. The framework supports certification and materials at two levels: Entry and Mastery. Further details can be found below and for any further queries, please contact Sunita Babbar at
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Partnership Handbook 24-25
Intensive Training and Practice (ITAP) is designed to immerse BSTs in foundational aspects of the curriculum. It provides an opportunity to focus on specific, pivotal areas. Intensive training and practice should also build powerful links between evidence-based theory and practice. The weeks are designed to immerse BSTs in their learning through a range of activities and classroom experiences linked to the weekly focus.
These weeks will focus on:
ITAP 1 theme: Positive classroom environments w/b 30.9.24
- Focus: establishing a supportive, inclusive and predictable environment for learning
BUL FINAL primary ITAP 1 Booklet - Positive classroom environments
Primary ITAP 1 templates:
ITAP primary template 1 lit engagement
ITAP primary template 2 BST observation prompts
ITAP primary template 3 primary observation form notes
ITAP primary template 4 notes from post obs discussion
ITAP primary template 5 BST peer feedback
BUL FINAL ITAP 1 secondary - Positive classroom environments
Secondary ITAP 1 templates:
ITAP secondary template 1 lit engagement
ITAP secondary template 2 observation prompts
ITAP secondary template 3 observation form notes
ITAP secondary template 4 post lesson discussion with expert teacher
ITAP secondary template 5 BST peer feedback
ITAP 2 theme: How Pupils Learn w/b 18.11.24
- Focus: supporting retrieval of prior knowledge to support new learning
00 BUL ITAP 2 How children learn primary FINAL 24-25
Primary ITAP 2 templates:
ITAP 2 primary template 1 lit engagement
ITAP 2 primary template 2 BST observation prompts
ITAP primary template 3 primary observation form notes
ITAP 2 primary template 4 notes from post obs discussion
ITAP primary template 5 BST peer feedback
00 BUL FINAL secondary ITAP 2 - How pupils learn 24-25
Secondary ITAP 2 templates:
ITAP 2 secondary template 1 lit engagement
ITAP 2 secondary template 2 BST observation prompts
ITAP secondary template 3 observation form notes
ITAP 2 secondary template 4 notes from post obs discussion
ITAP secondary template 5 BST peer feedback
- ITAP 3 theme: Adaptive teaching w/b 3.3.25
- Focus: adapting resources to meet the needs of the learners to ensure all learners have access to a rich curriculum
Primary ITAP 3 Intensive Training and Practice - Adaptive Teaching booklet
Associated templates/appendices:
Primary ITAP 3 Appendix 1
Primary ITAP 3 Appendix 2 and 3
Primary ITAP 3 Appendix 4
Primary ITAP 3 Appendix 5
Primary ITAP 3 Appendix 6
Primary ITAP 3 Appendix 7
Primary ITAP 3 Appendix 8
Secondary Handbook ITAP 3 - Adaptive teaching booklet
Appendix I - tasks supporting engagement with literature and critical analysis of learning task 1 docx
Appendix II and III - Prompts and Lesson observation form for focused lesson observation by BSTs
Appendix IV - BST notes on post lesson discussion with an expert colleague, includes critical analysis of learning task 2
Appendix V - BST summary feedback from peer-to-peer teach
Appendix VI - Lesson plan and post lesson critical reflection
Appendix VII - Lesson observation form for mentors observing BSTs
Appendix VIII – critical analysis of learning reflection task 3
- ITAP 4 theme: Inspiring learning w/b 28.4.25
- Focus: using alternative pedagogies and alternative learning spaces to inspire learning