Dr Ermioni Xanthopoulou
Senior Lecturer in Law
Research area(s)
EU area of freedom security and justice, EU Criminal law, EU asylum and migration law, EU human rights and constitutional law.
E Xanthopoulou 'The European Arrest Warrant in a context of distrust: Is the Court taking rights seriously?' (2023) European Law Journal
E Xanthopoulou & M Nayyeri 'Written evidence on human rights of asylum seekers' (2022) Parliament Human Rights Joint Committee
E Xanthopoulou, ‘Mapping the EU’s Externalisation Devices: Repulsion, Emergency and Neo-coloniality’ (2023) (under peer-review with European Journal of Migration and Law)
Ermioni is the author of 2018) 'Mutual trust and rights in EU criminal and asylum law: Three phases of evolution and the uncharted territory beyond blind trust'. Common Market Law Review, 55 (2). pp. 489 - 509. ISSN: 0165-0750 that won the prize for Young Academics in 2017 by the journal. https://www.kluwerlawonline.com/abstract.php?area=Journals&id=COLA2018034
She is also the author of Fundamental Rights and Mutual Recognition in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice: A Role for Proportionality (Hart, forthcoming) https://www.bloomsburyprofessional.com/uk/fundamental-rights-and-mutual-recognition-in-the-area-of-freedom-security-and-justice-9781509922253/
‘International Fight against Impunity and EU Counter-Terrorism Law: The Case of Foreign Terrorist Fighters’ co-authored with T. Konstadinides (peer-reviewed chapter for the edited book by Dr. Montaldo and Dr. Marin, The Fight Against Impunity in EU Law 2020, Hart Publishing) https://www.bloomsburyprofessional.com/uk/the-fight-against-impunity-in-eu-law-9781509926879/
‘Legal Uncertainty, Distrust and Injustice in Brexit Asylum Cooperation’ (peer-reviewed chapter for the edited book by Ahmed and Fahey, On Brexit: Law, Justice and Injustices 2020, Edgar) https://www.e-elgar.com/shop/on-brexit
‘The quest for proportionality for European Arrest Warrant and fundamental rights protection in a mutual recognition environment’ (2015) New Journal of European Criminal Law32-52 https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/203228441500600104
"Mutual Trust and Fundamental Rights in the Dublin System: A Role for Proportionality?" Odysseus Blog (2021) https://eumigrationlawblog.eu/mutual-trust-and-fundamental-rights-in-the-dublin-system-a-role-for-proportionality/
'From mutual trust to mutual distrust in the EU’s Area of Freedom, Security and Justice' REAL Blog (2021) https://realaw.blog/2021/10/15/from-mutual-trust-to-mutual-distrust-in-the-eus-area-of-freedom-security-and-justice-by-ermioni-xanthopoulou/
'Brexit spells sliding safeguarding duties' (2019) https://www.brunel.ac.uk/news-and-events/news/articles/Brexit-spells-sliding-safeguarding-duties-as-asylum-seekers-rise
Britain must commit to upholding civil liberties if the EU is to agree on security co-operation after Brexit (The Conversation, 2018) https://theconversation.com/britain-must-commit-to-upholding-civil-liberties-if-the-eu-is-to-agree-on-security-co-operation-after-brexit-97811
Radu judgment: A lost opportunity and a story of how the mutual trust obsession shelved human rights (KSLR EU Law Blog, 2013) https://blogs.kcl.ac.uk/kslreuropeanlawblog/?p=416
Research Interests
Crime, security, migration, asylum, human rights.
Research grants and projects
Funder: Arts and Humanities Research Council
Duration: -
Funder: CBASS Athena Swan Scheme
Duration: August 2022 - July 2023
Funder: European Commission
Duration: September 2020 - August 2023
I was the PI representing the intra-disciplinary team of Brunel University in a cohort of 13 institutions and being in charge of the human rights elements.